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Monday, July 22, 2013

JoAnne Sweater

JoAnne Sweater

In Memory of Joanne H.

Baby Yarn 3 ply

F or G Hook - (Remember different hooks, different yarn and tension, makes different sizes.)

Stitches used: sc (single crochet), dc (double crochet), fpdc (front post double crochet), bpdc (back post double crochet) hdc (half double crochet)

Shell: 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc

*(ch 2 counts as 1st a dc thru out the pattern)*

Row 1... ch 55, hdc in 3 ch from hook, hdc across. (54 hdc) ch 2, turn.

Row 2... dc in the first 3 sts, 2 dc in the next, *dc in the next 4 sts, 2 dc in the next st*. Repeat 7 more times, dc in the last 8 sts. (62 dc), ch 2, turn.

Row 3... dc in each st across (62 dc) ch 2 turn.

Row 4... dc in the next 4 sts, 2dc in the next, *dc in the next 4 sts, 2 dc in the next st*. Repeat 10 more times, dc in the last 6 sts. (73 dc), ch 2, turn.

Row 5... dc in next 2 sts, 2 dc in the next st, *dc in the next 3 sts, 2 dc in the next st.* Repeat 16 more times, dc in the last 5 sts. (90 dc), ch 2, turn.

Row 6... 1 dc in each st across (90 dc) you must have 90 dc on this row. ch 2, turn.

Row 7... fpdc around 1st dc not the ch 2, *2 dc in the next st, ch 1, 2 dc in the next st, fpdc around next dc,* repeat across, dc in top of th ch 2, (29 shells, 30 fpdc) ch 2, turn.

Row 8... bpdc around fpdc, *shell in next shell, bpdc around next fpdc,* repeat across, dc in top of ch. ch 2, turn.

Row 9... (Armhole Row) fpdc around bpdc, *shell in next shell, fpdc around bpdc,* repeat 3 more times, ch 3, skip next 7 shells, fpdc around next bpdc, *shell in shell, fpdc around bpdc,* repeat 6 more times, ch 3, skip next 7 shells, fpdc around next bpdc, *shell in next shell, fpdc around bpdc,* repeat 3 more times, dc in top of ch, (should have, ch 2, 4 shells, 5 fpdc, ch 3, 7 shells, 8 fpdc, ch 3, 4 shells, 5 fpdc, 1 dc.) ch 2, turn

Row 10.. bpdc around fpdc, *shell in shell, bpdc around fpdc,* across to ch 3, in the center of the ch do a shell, repeat across, dc in top of ch. ch 2, turn.

Row 11.. fpdc around bpdc, *shell in shell, fpdc around bpdc,* repeat across, dc in top of ch, ( ch 2, 17 shells, 18 fpdc, 1 dc) ch 2 turn.

Row 12.. bpdc around fpdc, *shell in shell, bpdc around fpdc,* repeat across, dc in top of ch. ch 2, turn.

Rows 13 - 18.. repeat rows 11 & 12.

Row 19.. ch 1, sc in same st, sc in top of bpdc, 6 dc in center of shell, sc in top of bpdc,* repeat across endind with sc in next st, sc in top of ch, Do not end off gonna do trim,

Trim... (working up front of sweater) ch 1, 2 sc in each ch & dc, in corner st sc, ch 1, sc, sc around neck, in corner st, sc, ch 1, sc, (working down the front of sweater, 2 sc in each ch & dc, sl st to beginning sc on bottom. End off. Weave in ends


Row 1... join with sl st to top of shell under center of arm, ch 2, dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same st, fpdc around the bottom of fpdc on row 8, *shell in shell, fpdc around fpdc,* repeat 6 more times, fpdc around the bottom of fpdc on row 8, sl st to top of beginning ch, sl st across to center of shell. (8 shells, 8 fpdc) Do not turn.

Row 2... ch 2, dc, ch 1, 2 dc in shell, fpdc around next fpdc, *shell in shell, fpdc around fpdc,* repeat around, sl st in beginning ch, sl st to center of shell.

Rows 3 - 11.. repeat Row 2.

Row 12.. ch 1, sc in same st, sc in top of fpdc, *sc in center of shell, sc in top of fpdc,* repeat around. sl st to beginning sc.

Row 13.. ch 2, hdc in each sc around, sl st to beginning ch. End off. Weave in ends.

Repeat for other sleeve.

ch 140, weave thru Row 1

ch 180, weave thru Row 5

Created and Copyrighted July 2013 by Jessica A Esterly

Not to be resold for Charity only.

Cable Front Sweater/Pants & Hat

Cable Sweater (Newborn)

Simply Soft Yarn or Pound of Love
size F hook
5 Buttons (5/8 inch buttons or approximate.
**(Please remember that different yarns, hook size and tension can alter size)
Sweater (body)
Row 1.) With size G Hook, ch 40, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in next 4 ch, *(1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc in next ch)*, dc in next 6 ch, repeat *( )*, dc in next 10 ch, repeat *( )*, dc in next 6 ch, repeat *( )*, dc in last 6 ch.
Row 2.) Ch 2, turn, *(dc to next ch sp, 1 dc, ch 1, 1 dc in ch sp,)* Repeat to end.
Rows 3.-5.) Repeat row 2
Row 6.) ch 2, turn, dc to ch sp, 1 dc in ch sp, Ch 8, skip sts to next ch sp, 1 dc in ch sp, dc to next ch sp, 1 dc in ch sp, Ch 8, skip next sts to next ch sp, 1 dc in ch sp, dc to end. ( Armholes made)
Row 7.) ch 1, turn, sc across.ch2 turn

Row 8.) Dc in each st across. Ch 2 turn
Row 9.) ch 2 turn, dc in next st, fpdc in next st,* dc in next 2 sts, fpdc in next, repeat 3 times, dc in(32) each st to the last remaining 15, fpdc in next st, dc in next 2 st, fpdc in next, repeat this sequence , ending with dc in last 2 dc, ch 2 turn.
Row 10.) Dc in next st, bpdc in next st,* dc in next 2 dc, bpdc in next, repeat 3 more times, dc in next 32, bpdc in next, dc in next 2, repeat , end with dc in last 2 sts, ch 2 turn.
Row 11-17) Repeat Row 9 & 10. Ch 1 turn

Trim and buttonhole

(going up the front of sweater)

Row 1.) 2 Sc in each dc and sc in each sc to top of sweater, ch 1 turn

Row 2.) Sc in each st to bottom of sweater, ch 1 turn

Row 3.) Sc in each st to top of sweater,sc, ch 1, sc in corner st sc around neck and down other side of sweater,making sure to do 2 sc in each dc and sc in each sc, ch 1 turn.

Row 4.) Sc in next 3 sts, ch2, skip 2, sc in next 5, ch 2 , skip 2, repeat 4 more times.sc in last 3, ch 1 turn.

Row 5.) Sc in each st and 2 sc in each ch 2 space, at end ch 1 sc in same space, sc around bottom of sweater, join to beginning sc, break off weave in ends.
Row 1.) Attach Yarn under arm, ch 2, do 28 dc around armhole evenly, sl st in top of first ch 2. (29 st, counting ch 2)
Row 2.) Ch 2, turn, DC in next 6 sts, *fpdc in next st, dc in next 2 sts* repeat 5 more times, fpdc in next st, dc in remaining sts, sl st in top of first ch 2.
Rows 3.-8.) Repeat Row 2, ch 1
Row 9.) sc in first st *(Decrease sc over next 2 st, sc in next st)*, repeat around.
Row 10.) ch 1, turn, sc in each st across, sl st to join. Fasten off and weave in ends.

Sew on buttons.

© Peggy Su Besco/Jessica A Esterly 06/23/2013


Cable Pants

F or G Hook

Sport yarn or Baby yarn

Stitches used - single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet, front post double crochet, back post double crochet

1.) ch 55, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (54 sc), ch 2 turn.

2.) dc in each sc across (54 dc), ch 1 turn.

3.) sc in each dc across (54 sc), join with sl st to beginning sc, ch 2 turn.

4.) dc in each sc across, join with sl st to top of ch 2, ch 2 turn.

5.) dc in next dc, fpdc around next dc, *dc in the next 2 dc, fpdc around next dc,* repeat 3 more times, dc in next 25 dc, fpdc around next dc, * dc in next 2 dc, fpdc around next dc,* repeat across, ending with dc in next dc, sl st in top of ch 2, ch 2 turn.

6.) dc in next dc, bpdc around fpdc, *dc in the next 2 dc, bpdc around the fpdc,* repeat 3 more times, dc in next 25 dc, bpdc around fpdc, *dc in next 2 dc, bpdc around fpdc* repeat acrsoss, ending with dc in next dc, sl st in top of ch 2, ch 2 turn.

7.-13.) repeat rows 5 & 6.

14.) dc in next dc, bpdc around fpdc, *dc in next 2 dc, bpdc around fpdc,* repeat 3 more times, dc in next 13 dc, sl st in top of ch 2 to form leg, ch 2 turn.

15.) dc in next 13 dc, fpdc around bpdc, *dc in next 2 dc, fpdc around next bpdc,* repeat across, ending with dc in next dc, sl st in top of ch 2, ch 2 turn.

16.-23.) repeat rows 14 & 15.

24.) ch 1, turn, sc in same st, sc in next st, sc decrease over next 2 st, *sc in next 2 st, sc decrease over next 2 st,* repeat across, sl st in beginning sc.

25.) ch 2, turn, hdc in each st across, sl st in top of ch 2, end off.

Other Leg

Leave about a 4 in tail to use to sew crotch up.

14.) sl st in same st as beginning ch 2 of the other leg on the front, repeat row 15 of the first leg, ending with the 13th dc in the same st of the 13th st on the back of the other leg, sl st in top of ch 2 at bbeginning of this leg, ch 2 turn.

15.-23.) repeat rows 14 & 15 of the first leg.

24.-25.) repeat rows 24 & 25 of the first leg.

ch 130 for drawstring, weave drawstring thru the second row of the waist.

Created and Copyrighted 06-2013 By Jessica A Esterly & Peggy Su Besco

Cable Hat (Newborn)

G Hook

Pound of Love

Stitches….chain, double crochet(dc), front post double crochet(fpdc)

Chain 4, slip st tog. To form circle, ch 2 (do not turn) ch 2 counts as dc through out pattern.

Row 1.) 14 dc in ring, sp st to beg. Ch, ch 2

Row 2.) fpdc around same ch below, * dc and fpdc in next st* repeat from * join to beg. Ch, ch 2

Row 3.) dc in top of ch 2 , fpdc around fpdc,* 2 dc in next st, fpdc around fpdc* repeat from * to beg. Ch, sl st to ch, ch 2

Row 4.) dc in next dc, fpdc around fpdc, * dc in next 2 dc, fpdc around fpdc*, repeat from * sl st to beg. Ch., ch 2

Row 5- 9.) Repeat row 4, at end of row 9, ch 1

Row 10.) sc in each st including the fpdc, join with sl st, end off, weave in end.

© Peggy Su Besco/Jessica Esterly


Allen Sweater & Pants

Allen Sweater

Twin stitch = 2 dc in each of next 2 chs, skip 2 chs, repeat

F or G Hook

Sport or Baby Yarn

Row 1... Ch 56, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc to the end (55 sc) ch 2, turn

Row 2... Dc in each st across (55 dc) ch 1, turn

Row 3...*sc in first st, 2 sc in next st,* repeat across, sc in last st (82 sc) ch 2, turn

Row 4...Dc across (82 dc) ch 1, turn

Row 5...Sc across (82 sc) ch 2, turn

Row 6...Dc across (82 dc) ch 2, turn

Row 7...*sk 2dc, 2 dc in each of the next 2 sts,* repeat across (26 shells) sk 2 dc, dc in top of last dc or turning ch, ch 2, turn

Row 8: (arm section) Skip 2 sts, (2 dc in each of next 2 sts, skip 2 sts) 4 times, ch 4, skip 5 groups of twin sts from previous row, skip 1 st, (2 dc in each of next 2 sts, sk 2 sts) 8 times, ch 4, skip 5 groups of twin sts from previous row, skip 1 st, (2 dc in each of next 2 sts, skip 2 sts) to end of row, ending with dc in ch 2 space at end of row. Ch 2, turn.

Row 9: Skip 2 sts, (2 dc in each of next 2 sts, skip 2 sts) 4 times, place 2 dc in 2nd ch of ch 4, 2 dc in 3rd ch of ch 4; skip 2 sts, (2 dc in each of next 2 sts, skip 2 sts) across to next ch 4. Place 2 dc in 2nd ch of ch 4, 2 dc in 3rd ch of ch 4, skip 2 sts, (2 dc in each of next 2 sts, skip 2 sts) across, ending with dc in ch 2 space at end of row. Ch 2 turn. (18 groups of twin stitch)

Rows 10 - 17: *Skip 2 sts, 2 dc in each of next 2 dc; repeat from * across, ending with dc in ch 2 space at end of row, ch 2, turn. (18 groups of twin stitch) At end of Row 17, ch 1, turn.

EDGING: Sc in each stitch across bottom, turn and place 2 sc in each end of row up side front of sweater, turn, place one sc in each st across neckline, turn and place 2 sc in each end of row down side front of sweater, join to beginning sc, ch 1 turn. Sc in each sc around entire sweater, join to beginning sc, end off.


Rnd 1: Attach yarn with sl st to back st of 2nd dc of Row 8. Ch 2, 1 dc in same st, 2 dc in back of next st. Place 2 dc around side of dc of Row 7, 2 dc into space under the dc of Row 7; *skip 2 dc, 2 dc in each of next 2 dc; repeat from * across. Skip 2 sts, place 2 dc in space under dc of Row 7, place 2 dc around side of dc of Row 7; sl st in first dc to join, turn. (8 groups of twin stitch for sleeve)

Rnd 2: Sl st to 2nd dc, ch 2, 2 dc in same st, 2 dc in next st, *skip 2 dc, 2 dc in each of next 2 dc; repeat from * around. Sl st in first dc to join. Turn.

Rnd 3-8: Repeat Round 2:

Rnd 9: Ch 1, *sc in next 3 sts, sc dec in next 2 sts, repeat from * around, sc in last sts. Join with a sl st to first st.

Rnd 10: Ch 1, sc in each sc around. Join with sl st to first st, end off.

Work other sleeve same as above.

Neck Tie: Ch 135, end off. Weave chain through Row 2 of sweater.

© 2013 Peggy Su Besco & Jessica A Esterly.

Allen Pants

F or G Hook

Sport yarn or Baby yarn

Stitches used - single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet

1.) ch 55, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (54 sc), ch 2 turn.

2.) dc in each sc across (54 dc), ch 1 turn.

3.) sc in each dc across (54 sc), join with sl st to beginning sc, ch 3 turn.

4.) ch 3, 3 dc in same st, *sk next 2 st, 4 dc in next st,* repeat across. 18 - 4 dc groups. Do not turn.

5.) sl st to begin ch, sl st in next st, ch 2, dc in same st, 2 dc in the next st, *sk next 2 st, 2 dc in the next st, 2 dc in the next st* repeat across, Do not turn.

6.-13.) repeat row 5

14.) sl st to begin ch, sl st in next st, ch 2, dc in same st, 2 dc in next st, *sk 2, 2 dc in next st, 2 dc in next st,* repeat 7 more times. Should have 9 - 4 dc groups.

15.-23.) repeat row 14


24.) sl st back into sp between the 4 dc group, ch 1, sc in same sp, *sk 2 dc, sc between to 2 dc groups, sk 2 dc, sc between the 4 dc groups* repeat across,sl st to begin sc, do not turn.

25.) sc in same st and each st across, sl st to begin sc. End off

Other Leg

Leave about a 5-6" tail to use to sew crotch up.

14.) attach yarn with sl st to center of crotch on the front of the pants and repeat row 14 from other leg.

15.-25.) repeat these rows from other leg. End off.

Use tail to sew the crotch up. Weave all ends in.

ch 130 for drawstring, weave drawstring thru the second row of the waist.

Created and Copyrighted 06-2013 By Jessica A Esterly & Peggy Su Besco

Abbey Sweater & Pants

Abbey Sweater

F or G Hook

Sport or Baby Yarn

Shell - 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc

Row 1... Ch 56, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc to the end (55 sc) ch 2, turn

Row 2... Dc in each st across (55 dc) ch 1, turn

Row 3...*sc in first st, 2 sc in next st,* repeat across, sc in last st (82 sc) ch 2, turn

Row 4...Dc across (82 dc) ch 1, turn

Row 5...Sc across (82 sc) ch 2, turn

Row 6...Dc across (82 dc) ch 2, turn

Row 7...*sk 2 dc, shell in next dc,* repeat across (26 shells)  sk 2 dc, dc in top of dc or turning chain,  ch 2, turn

Row 8….(sleeve row) Place Shell (2dc,ch1,2dc) in ch 1 space of shell and the next 3 shells, ch 3, skip 5 shells, shell in the next 8 shells, ch 3, skip 5 shells, shell in last 4 shells, ch 2 turn.

Row 9…Shell in each shell and shell in center st of ch 3 (underarm) end with dc in last st, ch 2 turn.

Row 10-17…Shell in ch 1 space of each shell, ending with dc in last st, ch 1 turn.

Row 18…Sc in same space , 5 dc in ch 1 space of shell, sc between shells, end with sc in last st.DO NOT END unless changing colors.EDGING…

Sc up front, around neck and down other front. Join, end and weave in ends.

Sleeves:Rnd 1…Attach yarn with a sl st to center st of ch 3 underarm, ch 3, 2 dc in same space, shell st into side dc of Row 9, shell st into center of shell of Row 8, shell into next 5 shells, shell into center of Row 8, shell into side dc of Row 9, dc into same space as beginning ch 3, sl st in to center of shell, ch3 DO NOT TURN

Rnd 2-7… 2 dc in same space, shell in each shell (10 shells) join as previous row, ch 2

Rnd 8…Hdc in same space, hdc between shell, hdc into ch 1 space of shell , hdc between shells, join to beginning hdc. Ch 2

Rnd 9…Dc in same space, dc in each hdc around, join, ch 1

Rnd 10…Sc in each st, join, end off, weave in ends.REPEAT THIS FOR OTHER SLEEVE
Tie:….Ch 135, secure ends , weave through Row 2 of sweater yoke.

Created and Copyrighted June 2013 by Peggy Su Besco

Abbey Pants

F or G Hook

Sport yarn or Baby yarn

Stitches used - single crochet, double crochet, half double crochet

Shell - 2 dc, ch 1, 2 dc

1.) ch 55, sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc across (54 sc), ch 2 turn.

2.) dc in each sc across (54 dc), ch 1 turn.

3.) sc in each dc across (54 sc), join with sl st to beginning sc, ch 3 turn.

4.) 2 dc in same st, *sk 2 sts, shell in next st,* dc in same st as ch 3 sl st around the ch 3, do not turn.

5.) Sl st in center of shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same shell, *shell in each shell* across to end. Do not turn

6.) sl st in each st to center of shell, ch 3, 1 dc, ch 1, 2 dc in same shell, *shell in each shell*, across to end. Do not turn.

7.-13.) repeat row 6.

14.) shell in 9 shells attach to begin shell, this forms the leg. Do not turn.

15.-23.) repeat row 14


24.) ch 2, hdc between each shell and in the center of each shell, sl st to ch 2, ch 1, do not turn.

25.) sc in same st and each st across, sl st to begin sc. End off

Other Leg

Leave about a 5-6" tail to use to sew crotch up.

14.) attach yarn with sl st to center of crotch on the front of the pants and repeat row 14 from other leg.

15.-25.) repeat these rows from other leg. End off.

Use tail to sew the crotch up. Weave all ends in.

ch 130 for drawstring, weave drawstring thru the second row of the waist.

Created and Copyrighted 06-2013 By Jessica A Esterly & Peggy Su Besco